Saturday, July 6, 2013

No Evidence of Disease

Well, there you have it.  After a 10 month fight, I have been told there is no evidence of disease in my body.  I had my CT scan and bloodwork done on Tuesday June 25 and then had to wait almost a whole week to get my results.  I had myself so anxious, so worked up that there were days that I had to fight down bile.  I felt like I was waiting for my death sentence.  I was hoping for the best and fearing the worst.  When my oncologist walked into the exam room and tried to make small talk, I told him I was anxious and needed to know what the scan showed.  He said the scan looked good and so did the bloodwork.

I am incredibly happy, but still feeling pessimistic.  I have been told that this is normal and that it takes a really long time to adjust to the post treatment life.  It is not easy.  Not easy at all.  Even though I feel pretty good, I am by no means back to "normal."  In fact, I am getting used to the new normal of getting tired incredibly easily (of needing a nap when I didn't even DO anything!), of looking "good" but not feeling good, of smiling even though I don't really feel like it.  I might not be sick anymore, but I am still recovering.  I HAD CANCER.  I am still at risk for cancer.  This will be my life.  I don't get to go back.  I don't get to pretend it never happened.  While the people in my life might be able to do that, I have to deal with it every day.  I have to deal with the PTSD, I have to deal with the changes to my body, my scars, my fatigue.

I had my port removed on Wednesday, July 3rd.  I truly celebrated Independence Day.  Knowing that my doctors felt there was no need to keep it in anymore brought a HUGE sense of relief.  And having it removed, having one less foreign object in my body, makes me ten times more comfortable.  I still would not have changed anything regarding the port since it make the infusions of chemo so much easier, but I couldn't wait for it to go.  I felt it all the time.  I felt the tugging in my neck where it was attached to my jugular vein.  I felt the lump on my chest when I lifted something or as my children were tring to cuddle with me.  And now I am left with a scar.  A lower cut shirt will always expose what used to be a part of me.  But "There is something beautiful about all scars, whatever nature.  A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with."

I've been out riding my bike.  I haven't been out as much as I would like to, but sometimes life gets in the way.  I'm pretty sure I will no be able to do the fundraiser ride.  Hubby and I had talked about doing the one day ride, but that is still 60ish miles.  I don't know if I'm strong enough.  I don't know if I have enough endurance.  I'm still "recovering."  Maybe next year?

Plus, the ride is my birthday weekend and I'm in the planning stages of my 30th birthday party!  I know I mentioned this before, but you're all invited!  It will be a joint party with the son who is turning 3, and if all goes according to plan, it will be at our new house.  Mark your calendars for September 28, 2013.  :)  Life is sweet.

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