Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another Biopsy

I had an MRI assited biopsy this morning of two different areas on my right breast.  (My original tumor is on my left.)  These two suspicious areas did not show up on my mammogram, they were seen on the MRI I had last week.  We are hoping that they turn out to be benign, but if not it may change the type of treatment I get.  The tumor on my left side is called a triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma.  This means that it is negative for the presence of estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, and the HER2 protein receptors.  IF I had any of these (positive), they would use a drug that specifically targets those to stop the growth of the cancer cells.  The biopsy today was to see if these masses had a different make-up and therefore need a different drug than what has already been planned.

It was definitely harder to do than the first biopsy and harder to recouperate from as well.  I am in quite a bit of pain now, as I was last time and because I have a pretty large hematoma.  Once they were done, I wouldn't stop bleeding.  So now I look pretty silly with an ice pack in my bra for pressure and relief.

I was supposed to have a "chemo teach" this afternoon to let me know the ins and outs of my medications, side effects, and the like, but when I got to the office, I was told that there was a scheduling mix up and I was actually scheduled for tomorrow.  I have too much going on tomorrow, so I will just have to go in an hour and a half early on Thursday in order to be educated.  As far as I know, everything is still on track for me to have my first round of chemotherapy on Thursday (9/13).  Both my surgeon and my oncologist should have the results from today's procedure by then.

I know a lot of people have mentioned to me to let them know if I need anything.  I definitely appreciate the sentiment, but it's hard for me to ask, and I'm sure when I'm not feeling myself, it will be hard for me to delegate (and perhaps determine what I really need?).  I found a very good thread in an online support community that I joined, but it was hard to read (lots of responses and quoted responses and copy and paste), so I found this.  Support for loved ones during cancer treatment.  You can scroll past the first part since we're not in Australia.  :)

And as an FYI, my cousin has put together a team of my family members for a "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk on October 13 in my honor.  Please consider donating to the American Cancer Society.  http://main.acsevents.org/goto/Courtneyspinkpals

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